Want to know how to start drawing? Let me simplify it to the basics.
First, find or get a pencil. Perhaps a 2B pencil. A HB is fine too. So is a B, 3B etc. Don’t worry about all the makes of pencils and different types. It’s nice to have a range of different pencils but this can often get in the way and actually inhibit you starting to draw. In the end it is the touch that you create upon the paper. It is not the pencil that does this.
So a simple pencil and a piece of paper. Basic paper will do. Whatever you have to hand.
Ok when you have these two items then just dive into drawing. Don’t worry about what you are going to draw……just dive in. Doodle. You have permission to doodle. Doodling is important. I often do it. Through doodling I find forms on the paper and follow my intuition. Try keeping your pencil on the paper to keep the process fluid. If you take it off the paper a lot you may become hesitant and feel stuck. Don’t worry about it seeming a mess or that it might feel aimless. At the moment you are just unconsciously swimming into a lake of creative possibilities.
The hardest part about starting to draw is the start. How do I begin? What shall I draw? Can I do it? So a good way to start is to doodle your way in. This helps to get past the barriers that you and/or someone else placed there.
You can draw. Everyone can. I have never known anyone who cannot.
After a while develop your doodles into more sophisticated doodles as you get used to the practice of doodling. Find shapes and overlap them. Circles and ovals are good. Create faces and imaginative things out of your doodles. Enjoy being creative.
Next step buy a 2B pencil and a nice smooth paper drawing pad. Spend a fiver on yourself. Treat yourself. Then find ten minutes 4 or 5 days a week and draw. Try copying drawings by other artists. Find simple ones to begin with. Cartoons are perfect and fun too. Draw things you love and like. Keep it simple.
Look out for future Blogs where I will continue writing about the process of drawing.
For now, just doodle and enjoy.
You have permission to be creative……especially from yourself.